The extraterrestials


Where the extraterrestrials come from was recently clarified: They come from  Andromeda ...! However, the Andromeda galaxy is currently not habitable. That is why they fly there and then make a time travel. First then are they home.

I beg your pardon, Andromeda is also a camel-race ? - ha ha ha, this is a calmer ...?¿?
Well and if so !

( Incidentally, the ministry of Defense has occupied an Arab for a long time at his UFO hotline, who sends the camels, who call there, into the desert...)

But i do not want to stress Your humor too much.

Space adventures are a nowadays a theme for Hollywood, and most people smile about the UFO theme because of the multitude of known imitations.

But should higher cultures seriously give us their technologies, so that we would be able to waste new energies, produce enormous quantities of absurd and laughable or dangerous things and incredible weapons and could finally become a danger for the extraterrestials (or destroy ourselves) ?
The technologies are nowadays in the hands of military, dictators  and business people.

The existence of the Ufos cannot be completely excluded: A higher culture could be able to compensate the gravitation fields around a ship (these have often been described as round disks - but of course not the improved Nazi UFOs ) by an anti-gravitation-field which would make possible that the relative movement of EINSTEIN is not effective.
But we are still thousands of years away from such technology.

The yoga-scools of Shivananda and the Eckankar-Scool spoke openly of the existence of such extraterrestial cultures and visitors.


The Cheops Pyramid and the sphinx

It has been guessed that the spiritual sciences were brought to us 12000 years ago from Sirius and Orion (the two small channels in the Cheops-pyramid pointed towords these - exactly in spring 12500 years ago) , i.e. from higher cultures where spirituality and technology go hand in hand and things are handled with responsibly - otherwise such cultures would soon have distinguished themselfes.

Moreover extraterrestrial beings, who could bring the mysteries to the earth (and that only to a very small circle chosen to maintain a tradition) would never so "throw pearls before the sows" (Matthew, chapter 7: 6), so unflattering that may sound.

Observing in spring (sky 12500 years ago! ) the stars around Sirius and Orion with a telescope one sees in the Orion a group of bright stars. The projection of these big stars on the egyptian desert is exactly the position of the pyramids, and at the position of the Milky way flows the Nile !

But the ORIONcannot be seen with good eyes, and the egyptians had no telescopes.

There are also theories that the starsigns are based on an old sea-map system that originated around 5000-7000 years ago at the beginning of the Neolithic period, which has since been lost.

Momentarily has again movement  come into the contention about the age of the pyramids. One theory was that the washings around the Sphinx were only possible at a time of 12500 years ago (the end of the Paleolithic). After that time were not such amounts of water in egypt.

The head of the Sphinx is much too small in comparison with her body. It could be possible that originally it had the head of a lion which broke off. Very much later a pharao "repaired" it with his face in the small rest of the head.

12000 years ago parts of the italian coast sank down almost 300 meters(and together with that most of the Mediterranean Sea was created. One can prove that at the stalactites of caves under water - which cannot be formated under water. These processes could eventually have caused the easy curve of the air tunnels in the Cheops pyramid.
On the other hand exists  the possibility that first by this Atlantic catastrophe the staggering of the portion was evoked and therewith a zodiac migration, so that the fixed view in direction of Orion would have its natural sense.
Also the end of the "ice-age" about 10000 years ago would then have another explanation.

But there are also modern voices against the dates of the Egyptian cultivation from 800 B.C. on. ( In addition as a reading material: Illig/rewards: The building of the Cheops-Pyramid .)
There is hardly anything known about CHEOPS - the architect (?) of the CHEOPS - pyramid except a smll figure.

In spite of all the euphoria for the egyp empires  it should not be overseen that a limited group of people lived on costs of an army of slaves, which was naturally the same in other cultures !

The actual mysteries were always only accessible to small group of ripe and chosen souls. But the irrational myths of the living after the death of the embalmed egyptians scarcely came out of the temples of the true initiated - the death of Osiris and other myths had a different secret meaning.

Many researchers and people of esoteric interest have intensively studied the pyramid and wrote about that (just for critical studies):

  • Robert Bauval: The secret of the Orion
  • Michael Haase: The riddle of the Cheops
  • Spiritwiki : Cheops Pyramid