Aspects of consiousness
In the widest sense, the term consciousness means the experiencing of mental and higher states and processes. The body consciousness is purely neuronal. In the human body, consciousness is tied to an organisational structure of the brain.
Brainwaves in the skin of the head can give a hint on the mental state. During Vipassana appear increased gamma waves, while Alphawaves are a sign of relaxiation.
Recent research with imaging methods shows that unusual neural activity patterns and neuroanatomic changes can develop as a result of long-standing meditation procedures.
From a philosophical standpoint holds the theorem 'Cogito ergo sum'.
From an esoteric standpoint, consciousness is a characteristic, which is a essential component of spiritual bodies. Here, up to 7 levels of consciousness are distinguished.
== Hinduism ==
In Hinduism the highest consciousness is the CHIT of the Tapoloka, which is a form of energy of the Brahman, from which ultimately the creation derives.
Here are up to 7 steps of consciousness (Bhumikas) differentiated, which are experienced in the higher bodies. The goal is the Moksha with a cosmic consciousness.
The Shivasamhita 5.47 teaches ' He who contemplates on sunya (void or vacuum or space), while walking or standing, dreaming or waking, becomes altogether ethereal, and is absorbed in the 'chid' akasha.
Kashmir Shaivaism knows a still higher Chit and a Chit-Shakti of Sadashiva in the divine Satyaloka, the Parabrahman of Hinduism.
== Buddhism ==
Citta-vijnana is mind or recognizing awareness.
14 functions of consiousness are taught in the Abhidhamma-commentaries(viññāna kicca).
The Jhanas describe 9 states of consiousness up to Nirvana.
The buddhist Yogacara sess the world as 'only consciousness'(rigpa).
== Literature ==
- Mediation depth, absorption , meditation practice and mindfulness : A latent variable approach ( B. Hölzl - U. Ott)
- States of consciousness in Psychiatry (PDF)
== Weblinks ==
- about Vijnana
- über Bewusstsein
- Wikipedia about Bewusstsein
- [3] Ott : Kernspin im Nirvana
- Understanding your brainwaves, J. L. Fannin
of Spirituality