The hierarchies of the Ones
The planetary Logos, the sirian One and the One in the center of the Universe and the Highest...
The world views of the various world religions end mostly at the top of the sixth universal plane, the creator-god Ishvara at the border to the hinduist parabrahman (other religions have different names for the creator god like Allah and Jah Jahve Zebaoth).
The very supreme hierarchy of our universe ist still far above the Parabrahman. This hierarchy was kept secret, but all true masters know the hierarchies, about which they are not allowed to teach or talk.
It was for the first time mentioned in the books of Alice Bailey. Miss Bailey assigns them in her worldview to the upper layers of the seventh or Adi plane beyond and above the Parabrahman, which is above the plane of a Sadashiva and also of a Paramshiva.
According to Bailey's master D.K. rules in the very highest planes far above the Parabrahman the hierarchy of the so-called 'ONE's. The ONE nearest to us is the ONE of our planet, whom the Radhasoami - movement sees as the Radhasoami.
The word 'logos', which master D.K. uses for the ONEs, is not quite correct, as the logos-power, which was mentioned in greek mysticism and in St. John's Gospel, first appears under the Para-Shakti at the top of Parabrahman (Para-Nada), actually first one plane beyond (Shabda, Omkara, higher Pranava of Ishvara).
Vishnuism teaches of Mahavishnu, who created a nearly infinite number of egg-shaped spiritual universes (Brahmandas) out of the spiritual ocean in Jnanaloka, in which he awoke - but he did not create the ocean neither himself.
These Brahmandas were later manifested by the highest ONEs of the centers of the countless universes, on strict instruction of the very highest unmanifested supercosmic supreme divinity, thereby implementing a ruthless world plan with extreme abysses, which exist for a short time (from the divine sight) in our universe and the universes around, but for eternities for the inhabitants of the lowest worlds.
The hierarchy of the One is, unfortunately, utterly hostile to men, although it determines the fate of the Maya-worlds, at which these ONEs mostly look arrogantly, hypocritically, and often with anger and contempt.
The description of this hierarchy regarding to the created worlds is therefore a dark chapter, and I have hesitated to make the following explanation, which must destroy many ideals.
1. The central ONE of our universe
The ONEs form a highest cosmic hierarchy in a network of innumerable universes. The central ONE in the center of our universe governs, regarding to master D.K., 49 subordinate 'ONE's.
From the standpoint of initiation HE is eight cosmic initiations above a Sadashiva-master, and therefore the lower universes are for him like non-existent points, whose inner processes are subject to a universal plan of the above mentioned supercosmic tyrannic supreme divinity, which the ONE must implement in detail, and which is implemented by means of subordinate hierarchies of ONEs and their masters, ie. also the planned negative developments and abysses and their often cruelish details.
The central One, however, is not the creator of our relatively insignificant universe (with ~25 billion lightyears diameter). He settled down before primordial times in the center of our spiritual Brahmanda and extinguished the opposing spirits and determined with his superior power the future as pre-defined by the above mentioned supercosmic unmanifested 'Highest'.
He was therefore involved in the later forced fall of a part of the Trimurti (Ishvara tattva) and its transformation into the lower Maya - energies (Mula Prakriti) of creation, at the behest of the most supreme deity, though he would not have done such things, because he is a more subtle tyrant with different plans.
From him, Ms. Bailey's seven cosmic ray-avatars of the Tapoloka (in the area of the Trimurti) go out. Some Shivaists see his cosmic avatar of the first ray in the "golden hall" in the center of the universe as the cosmic Maheshvara-Shiva of the Trimurti.
Yogananda describes in his cosmic vision the creative aspect of this One as an eternal source of divine creative rays - and thus only a very low aspect.
The supercosmic worldplan of the very highest divine is connected with evil, cruelish and terrific processes in the lower worlds, which were artificially created. The Ones must implement in detail it without having any choice. It bears witness to a completely different reality : In the supreme supercosmic divine lie also the ultimate causes for the details of the unchanging abysses of our existence.
Already the central One is an ice-cold, mercyless, overpowering and power-obsessed tyrant and pasha, who goes beyond all rules within the world plan imposed upon him. He had even a controverse with the other central ONEs of the surrounding universes about how dominant he is. He looks at the lower worlds with contempt, although also HE is only a 'created beeing', who was allowed to develop so high, and He had among other things to cause the misfortunes within the overcosmic worldplan against his convincement. The central one therefore does not want to hear anything of a criminal acting : He has no choice. He implements these disharmonies only on strict and unavoidable instruction of the supercosmic Supreme, who surpasses him by far in recklessness and ice-coldness and also falsehood (!) and disputability and sees all that as 'more' in his higher 'unity'.
The incredible cruel and in many respects more than strange world-plan for the lower worlds, as defined by that unmanifested supra-cosmic supreme being, is also implemented by other subordinate ONEs, which the very Supreme lures with higher development for their deeds(though they must do it) , and by their ray-avatars and subordinate masters, at which he looks at as nothing, and who would otherwise act quite differently (and also most of the ONEs - but those not for the sake of all beings...).
Many masters are compulsorily incarnated, if they are not finally provided for in the plan, a standard for the White Brothership und for many Bodhisattvas.
* Within the developments in the lower worlds many 'ONE's (like the Sanat Kumara and the siran One) are allowed to develop much faster as a reward for their surrender and deeds. But such development would also be possible without the Maya-worlds.
His commentary on criticism is, e.g. "Yes, I am that also, but I am still so much more ...", which he does not say as an excuse, because he knows no guilt - or a divine scorn of the highest supercosmic supreme: 'They can do nothing ...' - or a reference to the plan of the unbearable supercosmic Supreme, to whom he (often unwillingly) pays absolute obedience, and who not only rages upon disobedience ...
2. The very supreme unmanifested divinity - the eternal tyrant
The logical thinking suggests that the very supreme deity is a primordial example of perfection, and thus of sublimity, harmony and wisdom, and so forth. But from HIM comes the cyclic worldplan and the ultimate causes for the unchanging abysses of our existence. He is completely and absolute ruthlessly attuned to himself - and only to himself. What he wants counts - nothing else - no moral - no higher perfection - but multitude.
This supreme supercosmic deity is an absolut allmighty tyrant with ALL "qualities" - and therefore also quarrelsome, full of falsehood, recklessness, without compassion and more. He has no moral at all. He wants to create himself besides the very highest also the most negative, - and for that is every means right, a characteristicum of many ONEs. Accordingly is the structure of the world plan.
Just a truely free world with truely free will is not in his plan, which He cannot create as an absolute tyrant. In other parts of the almost infinite creation are however no such abysses, but also there everything is exactly determined.
Just like the ONEs he is completely unaffected by creation. A question, which even a ONE is not allowed to ask, is where 'HE comes from - HE is there, but it is more natural that there is nothing at all ...' (:... he asks the questions ..!)
Creation has no failed unforeseen developments. HE wants things to be in detail as they are, ie. in good and in bad. He determines the details very precisely and controls them with the help of the ONEs, and what the Ones want must be so : Adi-Dharma. Our world is a temporary artificial manifestation of this falsity and of artificial created forces of anger. These Maya - worlds would not have developed without a strict intervention of the very highest divine. (The negative worlds are temporary form-worlds of Maya, but already in the Tapoloka exits evil destructive forces like Rudra.)
The supra-cosmic plan also includes the rather - as seen by the divine temporal scale - shortliving creation of the negative worlds, whose existence the central ONE of the universe must carefully hide and conceal from the surrounding heavens, to which he could not sell such negative creations with their abysses.
The monadic masters serve the plan and later the ultimate back-transformation of the lower planes, and relative few initiates are allowed to develop up to the level of a Sadashiva-Master (universal path 21) and higher.
The rest of nature's souls perishes in the course of the aeons as planned and striven by the supreme Highest (instead of dissolving them - what he forbids), or are otherwise destroyed. If the masters were not necessary for the transformation of the worlds, they would probably have the same fate!
All this belongs to a cyclic eternal plan. The form-wolds exist viewed from the divine time scale only for a short time, and the suffering beeings of the form-worlds are not relevant. The Ones have no mercy - they are completely different than the masters.
All that raises the question to the worldplan, how something allegedly so perfect can want something so unperfect, and whether hypocrisy and falsehood are means of perfection, but the creation is not respected, and where no judge.... Important is only that the will of the Highest is fulfilled - for his fulfiment throught multitude....
3. The sirian One and nearer Ones
The divine ONE of the only 4 light years away SIRIUS - star is regarding to master D.K on the fourth cosmic initiation, whereas the ONE of our Sun is on the third cosmic initiation, on which the mercy is a central theme (probably rather the refusal and overcoming of mercy), who is regarding to master D.K currently in a period of meditation.
The One of our earth planet, who had to leave the solar hierachy as other planetary logosses, is on the first cosmic initiation. His goal is the second cosmic iniatiation.
The sirian One controls regarding to D.K. seven subordinate logosses, including the logos of our sun. He determines what happens in their systems, all that in coordination with the universal plan and on order of very Highest.
Master D.K. refers often to the 'sirian One', about whom to talk is normally not permitted and to whom the White Brotherhood of the Kumara is subordinated. The Sanat Kumara will return to the Sirius in a distant future after the completion of his cosmic initiations, which he began at the beginning of last century, to succeed the One, who will leave the Sirius.
* Contact to the Ones is only possible through a master, and that is usually a frustrating experience.
The sirian One lives in absolute indescribable glory and power, but he is unfortunately a ruthless merciless hypocrite and absolutely egoistic tyrant, who endows nothing to anyone and acts ultimately only for his own initiation.
He is ultimately responsible for the chaotic developments of humanity, in accordance with the plan, which are in our system carried out and reinforced by the 'sirian One' - with the commentary of the central One "...he may do so..." - and the planetary Logos and his subordinate masters.
The sirian One disregards the 'free will' of his masters and of the incarnated souls. He sacrifices them pitiless for his own purposes and punishes any disobedience ("... the One had recently sacrificed four masters into the animal kingdom ...D.K."). He works selfish only for his initiation. His sirian masters are his divine marionettes, and he looks at the trimurti plane as weak and perishable forces and lights. Even the monadic plane is for him only a faint radiance. He determines the dharma of our lower worlds within the worldplan, and he looks nevertheless hypocritical with anger at the chaos that he has caused in coordination with the plans of the Highest. (I describe here my personal experience of an involuntary initiation.)
The sirian One sacrifices everything inclusive the masters for his benefit and for his career into the highest divine plane. He has never been incarnated, tolerates no opposition, recognizes no free will, and the millions of perishing souls are bothersome for him as beeings of Maya, and he looks down on them with falsehood and anger and knows no mercy in his selfish glory. The individual has no right for him and his even higher initiators, to which he makes obedience. Beyond the highest monadic divine exists quite different standards or laws, and the plan dominates.
The sentence "You live in absolute bliss, and we suffer in agony," because of which the Sanat Kumara had allegedly been send into our solar system (better : because he was allowed to develop much quicker for his deeds) is therefore a mockery. (Perhaps has master D.K. beautified this out of fear before the One.)
* D.K. also states that the Sanat Kumara began his first cosmic initiation at the beginning of the last century. He creates large streams of Maya during his current first cosmic empowerment on the Pleyades (similar to Maya-streams during the union of Shiva and Shakti in Hinduism), and thereby he stimulates indirectly the lower forces. But at full moon in May he pours out the light-gral on us...
Master D.K. admits that the White Brothership consists mainly of Masters of Wisdom and not Masters of Compassion (by the latter will the Earth in a far future be lifted up, so that is probably not the White Brotherhood and possibly first after the Kumara has returned to the Sirius).
* My personal transfers during initiations delivered very different contents than in literature:
The sirian One also hinders the masters to protect the disciples with "the power", even though the karma and the imperfections are directly and indirectly related to activities in the divine and their compulsive realization. This is just their unchangable future and the negative karma of the people is a part of a cosmic plan, which includes the negative, which forms on our planet one of its poles.
The ONE does not allow the higher masters to destroy the biggest culprits of the black lodge, against which the weak souls have no chance, but he has consciously given the souls into their violence, and he deludes the true relationships, because he does not respect human souls. He forces their incarnation and "sacrifices" they mercilessly because he doesnt want to have so many masters - of course in coordinance with the plan of the supreme highest.
Master D.K. describes him as a "divine rebel". He is (in my opinion) rather a ruthless and egoistic divine careerist and abuser of his power. He is in reality by far the biggest hidden criminal around and has at the same time some aspects of a black master, because he uses the Maya-forces as a means of his acting and his plans in the lower planes and also destroys the souls with Maya. Every means is him right. He has no interest in a spiritual golden age, though the ONE in the center of the universe in contrary wants a spiritual age, even if not out of mercy or compassion.
He looks hypocritical with anger on mankind, whose fate he has determined so negative, and he is thus a great injustice ruler and a great divine scheme, a personification of divine self-love, and he also is a reason, that our planet became a negative planet with all the consequences for the perishing souls - when the black lodge was stuck into our planet (at Atlantic times).
Qualitative perfection according to our standards counts obviously not, and the most negative events are for this far and untouched consciousness only transient temporal states, and therefore it maintains and even intents them mercyless.
The latter comment also describes the existing reality, as no "sparrow falls from the roof without the will God" insofar as one is able to recognize that at all in the face of the world-delision and materialism.
* The Divine Plan has be fulfilled and cannot not be changed in details. Hence, the compassionate creator deity of the sixth plane - Ishvara - is not free in his actions.
Those Ones like the S.S. Kumara, who was allowed to develop so high from a low spiritual plane, are the profiteers of those creations and are allowed to have cosmic initiations.
There are of course many more profiteers besides the sirian One and the Sanat Kumara of the White Brothership, whom master D.K. titled the 'Lord of the world'(' Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the world, is on earth the representative of the special power of the planetary Logos; the other six Kumaras transmit energy from the six other planetary plans.' ). The Sanat Kumara was a former ruler of the second Ray of the sirian ONE, and he was allowed and ordered to develop into the ranks of the Ones: He was selected for it within the cosmic plan, not because of his merits, but perhaps also because of his similar personality structure to the sirian One. At the beginning of the last century he started his 1st cosmic initiation.
4. The planetary ONE
The nearest One is the planetary Logos, in whose aura (sphere of influence) we live. Unfortunately we feel not much from His presence and his high forces. Most of the higher powers of our planet come from the Sun and from the outer space.
It was He, wo stuck some 10.000 years ago the black Lodge into our planet in coordination with the plan and the sirian One, and since that time mankind had to live in a negative planet (like Mars and Saturn) with masses of in the darkness perishing souls.
He is of the same type as the sirian One, and He looks at mankind with anger just like the sirian One and as something insignificant. His seat is almost exactly opposite to Shamballah halfway around the world.
He is also the obstacle that hinders the higher development of masters to step 21, wo are not member of his hierarchy or not member of the White Brothership, of course in accordance with the plan.
5. Good and evil in the cosmic plan
The sirian ONE and his subordinate masters of the Sirius system have obvioulsy a very tolerant position to the evil forces(The rays and the initiations (Seven rays V) pg. 716 2.en) - those forces which master D.K. underplays as " condensed dark forces" or forces which " exists only from the standpoint of time ". The ONE uses them arbitrary direct and indirect as means of action, and not only the direct forces of Maya, who also belong the the worldplan. Admittedly speaks master D.K. about a big only to certain masters known center of the cosmic evil.
6. == Resume ==
All that allows an insight about the highest ONE in the center of the universe, who is the "neither benevolent nor mercyful nor compassionate". He exists high above the synthesis of all divine forces.
The divine does not bow down to the human (Maya), if it is not necessary for the cosmic plan. Such properties which exists mostly within the 12 properties of the revealed divine of the the sixth plane and within the ishvara-tattva.
Even Sri Aurobindo admitted that only Sri Krishna turns a little bit into the human direction.
It is easy to conclude, how the entire highest divine sees the human and how it respects the individual, and how it is ever set in his otherworldly selfish glory and power.
This is the less known and deterrent side of the "very highest spiritual sun". Therefore the masters speak about 'Surrender to the Divine' and not only under the inner personal Divine which could naturally have very different plans.
All that allows an insight about the highest ONE in the center of the universe, who is the "neither benevolent nor mercyful nor compassionate". He exists untouched high above the synthesis of all divine forces.
The aftertaste for the intrepid reader of these lines is rather daunting and can damp the aspiration for divine selfrealization, but the alternative is the abyss.
It explains the often very strange and very inactiv behaviour of the masters.
" When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense, and the highest of the high have all been lifted through the little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise the vivid lighted ball of Earth into radiating light, and then another greater Voice can say to Him: 'Well done! Move on. Light shines.'" (A.A. Bailey: Discipleship in the New Age; pg. 315)
[Ann.: That is, as a 'Judas blood money' for all the things he has wreaked in the lower worlds, - just like the sirian One, who will then have disappeared a long time ago, who was allowed to develop into the highest plane and got his blood money for the cosmic evil deeds which he had to to and had no inner problems to do them.]
of Spirituality