Kashmir Shaivism
Kashmir-Shaivism was until the 19th century kown as Trika . Since Abhinavagupta it is a Synthesis of several tantric scools und influences of hinduism. Therefore the Krama scool teaches the last 5 steps of the Ashtanga-Yoga and premises the first 3 steps.
“When you establish the internal reality of God Consciousness in Your soul, that is dharana. This dharana is not only to be established in internal God Consciousness but in all activities of the worldly life. This is true dharana." (Netra Tantra.)
Kashmir-Shaivism knows the seven main-planes of creation with 36 Tattwas, while Hinduism knows only 24 Tattvas.
At the top of creation stands here PARAMSHIVA (Parambrahma of hinduism is at most Sadashiva). Beyond are 5 purely divine "Tattwas" : Shiva- Tattwa, Shakti- Tattwa, Sahashiva-Tattwa, Ishvara-Tattwa, Shuddha Vidya or Sadvidya-Tattwa. These are worlds of Mahamaya.
Beyond this are the Shuddhashuddha-Tattwas : Impure Maya and the 6 Kanchukas : Kalaa, Vidya, Raga, Kaala, Niyati, Purusha. They are the subtle preliminaries of the five grosser elements. In the jewish Kabbalah are similar Qliphoth or shells around the cores (Sephirot), and also Shankara spoke about the shells which surround the purusha.
Beyond the Anthakarana are 24 wordly Tattwas with the 3 Gunas : Prakriti with the 3 Gunas, Buddhi, Ahamkara and Manas etc..
The four physical Elements(Mahābhutā) are : Ākāśa-Tattva, Vāyu-Tattva, Tejas-Tattva and Jala-Tattva. The "Prithivi anda" is the endpoint of creation - the fix matter, which contains only one Tattwa.
Paramashiva has two aspects : Prakasha (transcendental self relevation, rest) and Vimarsha (pure non relational "I" consciousness, active). The prakasha-phase of the universe is called pralaya or resorption.
Of the many powers only 5 are fundamental : chit-shakti, ananda - shakti, iccha-shakti, jnana-shakti, kriya-shakti - the main shaktis of Sadashiva.
Paramshiva : Prakasha (Pralaya) and alternating Vimarsha (pure non self centered cosmic "I"-Consciousness) |
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Even the time is measured in cycles (further : Srimad Bhagavatam Book III, Chapter XI) :
2 AYANAS = 1 Samvatsara (1 Year of human beeings)
2 Ayanas = 1 Day and Night of celestial beeings in swarloka
100 Samvatsaras = 1 Paramayu (1 Life of a human being)
360 Samvatsaras = 1 divine year
3000 Samvatsaras = Life span of the Manes
36000 Samvatsaras = Life span in swarloka
4 320 000 000 Samvatsaras = 1 Mahayuga (Satya, Trata, Dvapara, Kali)
1000 Maha-Yugas = 1 Kalpa or day (12 hours of brahma)
2 Kalpas = 1 Pralaya ( Day and night of Brahma )
1/2 of Brahmas life = 1 Parardha = 36000 Kalpas
Total life-span of brahma : 72000 Kalpas = 311 040 Billion human years ......
From Maharloka up to Satyaloka, 1000 revolutions of the 4 yugas constitute a day. The night is of equal length and is the time when BRAHMA goes to sleep, withdrawing the bhuloka, the bhuvarloka and swarloka into his belly (our 3 lower worlds).
The cosmic spiritual BRAHMA so has a life-span of 311 040 Milliarden years.
For further details : Sri Yuktesvar Giri, The holy science. It describes the solar time-cycles and the planes of creation. The solar cycle of 24000 years is divided into four subcycles of 6000 years which always begin with a big change. Since "Atlantis" are now 12000 years, since the sinflood (which all old cultures describe) are 6000 years now ....
The Shivaism praises the Shiva-Mantram "Om Namaha Shivaya" and Kashmir-Shaivism uses the 'Aham'- Heart-Meditation.
Literature :
- Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme von John Hughes und Lakshman, TB 2007
- Singh, Jaideva, 1979- 'Siva Sutras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. (Google-book)
- Shivasutra (S. Kak. / PDF)
- Susan G. Shumsky : Exploring Chakras: Awaken Your Untapped Energy, TB
- Spanda : The Yoga of vibration
Weblinks :
- A Wiki about the Kashmir-Shivaism
- A Wiki about the Srimad Bhagavatam
- A Website about the vedic timecycles A website devoted to Kashmir-Shaivism A Website about Kashmir Shaivam Website of KashmirShaivism.org
- Website of the Universal Shaiva Fellowship
- Spanda Karika
- saivaagama – Das Brahma, tattvas
- suggested readings
- Wiki about the 36 Tattvas
- Wiki about Om Namah Shivaya (en)
- saivaagama – Das Brahma, tattvas
- Paramatma Darshanam
- Vijnana-Bhairava
- Shiva Sahasranama Mantra (Youtube)
of Spirituality